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Construction & Remodels


Please review the following information for any new construction or remodel projects.
If you are:

  • Building a new structure;
  • Tearing down and rebuilding a structure;
  • Adding square footage to any structure;
  • Adding capacity to an existing account; and/or

If there is a change in use, you must fill out the appropriate form below and pay the associated impact fees. The district will verify compliance with all applicable requirements, calculate connection fees, and generate a connection fee invoice for the customer. It is best to contact the district with any changes to ensure that you are grandfathered in for existing square footage and verify that there is the ability to have water and wastewater service.




Impact Fees. The district collects a system impact fee for the right to connect to the water or sewer system. The amounts of these fees vary by location, district, and type of facility.  Impact fees are calculated based on square footage for residential, assessment of fixtures for commercial, and a combination of both for mixed use.

The current schedule of fees and charges are available on the ERWSD rates page. Other fees that may be required prior to connection to the system could include plant investment fees, water storage fees, and inclusion fees.  Please contact a customer service representative for more information on fees that may be applicable at 970-477-5451. All impact fees must be mailed or delivered to our main office at 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657.