The District regulates water use to provide water for customers while conserving water at the same time.
The normal Water Use Regulations are in effect year-round and apply to all properties from East Vail to Cordillera that receive water service from Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. Customers receive a copy of the annual Water Use Regulations billing insert in Spanish and English, with their May billing statement.
Unless a general or localized Water Supply Emergency has been declared, normal water use regulations allow for outdoor water use up to three days per week, per the schedule below.
- Follow the outdoor water use schedule based on the last digit of your street address.
- Hoses must have shutoff nozzles to prevent water waste.
- Swimming pools may only be filled once per year, unless draining for repairs is necessary.
- Outdoor private water features, such as but not limited to, fountains, waterfalls, and artificial ponds are prohibited in new construction and redevelopment.
- Water is to be used for beneficial purposes only.
- Water shall not be wasted. Flagrant runoff or other water waste is a violation of the Rules & Regulations and may result in citations and/or fines.
Water Supply Emergency, warnings are not given for violations and fines are increased. For more information, contact Customer Service at 970-477-5451.
Responsible Landscaping: Doing more with less
There are many ways to maintain a healthy, beautiful landscape and conserve water at the same time.
- Make sure your outdoor irrigation is timed appropriately. Many irrigation systems run much longer than necessary
- Use the appropriate method and time duration of irrigation for your landscaping
- Maximize the efficiency of your sprinkler system
- Update/Upgrade your irrigation system with an irrigation audit
- Remove non-functional, irrigated lawn and replace it with native, drought tolerant perennials and vegetation.
Plants native to Colorado are an excellent choice for residential and commercial landscapes. These plants are naturally suited to Colorado’s unique climate and environmental conditions, as well as the soil content. Native species also require less water and fertilizer. Landscaping with native plants also helps maintain Colorado’s biodiversity.
Here are some resources for more information about native landscaping for our region:
- Colorado Mountain Gardening Basics
- Flowers for Mountain Communities
- Ground Covers for the Mountains
- Native Trees
- Native Shrubs
Learn more about the ERWSD Rebate Program and Water Conservation.