Customers in Vail receive their water from the alluvial aquifer in the Vail basin. Customers in EagleVail, Avon, Beaver Creek, Arrowhead, Cordillera, Berry Creek, and Edwards primarily receive their treated drinking water from the Eagle River. All local drinking water is safe, clean, and delicious!
Our vital water resources are limited. With lower snowpack, a growing region, impacts from a warming planet, and transmountain diversions, we must all to do our part to use water efficiently and to conserve it. 95% of the water we use indoors gets treated and sent directly back into the river. Only ~20% of the water we use outdoors returns directly to the river. We must all reduce our use, especially outdoors.
There are many ways you can reduce your use to conserve water. Cutting back on outdoor watering is where you will have the greatest impact to conserve and save money on your water bill.
- Maintain and update your irrigation system so that it is efficient and watering only when and what is necessary.
- Request a free irrigation evaluation on our Water Efficiency Rebate page. Our Qwel certified staff will help you understand how your system operates and provide suggestions to make it more efficient for your landscaping.
- Follow the watering schedule based on your odd or even address.
- Replace non-functional irrigated lawn with native, low-water landscaping to save water, money, and time.
The watering schedule is based on your odd or even numbered address. Even number addresses can water on Sun, Wed, and Fri. Odd number addresses can water on Tues, Thurs, and Sat. There is no watering on Mondays and all watering must occur from midnight to 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to midnight on your property's designated watering day.
Between your shower, toilet flushes, glasses of water, dishwashing, laundry etc., the average person uses ~100 gallons of water per day.
If you don't know, you can find out by accessing your account or registering for one with WaterSmart! This is a free account where you can access your home or businesses water use. You can see how much water you or your family use per month, compare it to previous year's use, and get alerted when there are possible leaks. Paying attention to your water use and water bill is a great first step in conserving water.
Please feel free to contact a water operator at the Avon Drinking Water Facility with general water questions at (970) 477-5401.
Tours are available at each of our drinking water and wastewater facilities by request. Tours are generally reserved for school or community groups. If you are interested in scheduling a tour, please contact Communications and Public Affairs Department at [email protected].
If you have additional questions, contact our Customer Service team and they will be happy to assist you.
Call (970) 477-5451 or email [email protected]